The disappearance you just witnessed was not a mistake

Yes, I’ve got answers to those questions about a post that disappeared.

Yes, I pulled the previous post about a charity fundraiser. To quote one of the organizers I “will be denied entry and escorted off premises.”

No, I have not yet been told why.

Yes, I definitely plan to comment further about this at an indefinite point in the future.

Yes, I will be in contact with those who donated thinking I would be donating at this event on further advice. I am an honest man, whether it is on this blog, on social media sites, in person, on the phone, or in e-mail.

Yes, it is likely at least one of the donors will tell me to treat myself to an expensive lunch.

Yes, I’ll probably do just that if told.

Yes, if someone tells me to make it a flat donation to the originally named charity, I will do so.

No, I’m not going to format future posts like this if I can possibly help it.