Revisiting 2018 (Profanity and racism)

Donald Trump speaking at CPAC 2011 in Washington, D.C. Author: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

A little over seven years to the day, I wrote an article titled Profanity and racism: an example of how not to lead here on Rant Roulette. It was about the comments of one Donald J. Trump who somehow found his way into the White House. His comments on immigration caught the attention of CNN. I’ll quote these comments again here:

Why do we want all these people from Africa here? They’re shithole countries … We should have more people from Norway.

(Pardon the profanity, but this is what he said.) This is arguably the least of his missteps.

I haven’t forgotten about this, even if most people have. At the time I wrote, in part:

Supposedly, DJT also referred to Haiti with this profane word. Norway is mostly people of fairer skin, as is most of the population of the Scandinavian countries. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that human excrement also tends to be darker shades of brown.

This kind of remark goes beyond any possible boundary of human decency and is completely unacceptable by someone who is supposed to represent our country as its leader. The use of a profane word only serves to underscore the lack of intelligence of the person who uttered it, and for an elected official, let alone the (nominally) elected leader of our country, to say this kind of thing is downright un-American. This is the single most un-American thing DJT has said.

Dare I say it, this aged rather well. DJT said and did some more un-American things later in his term, though I do think he topped himself by dismantling the framework Obama had left behind to deal with an epidemic or pandemic, making the COVID-19 pandemic much worse here than it should have been. In some respects, we are still not completely back to normal.

And what did the people do this past November? They proved H. L. Mencken’s rather famous statement quite true: “No one in this world, so far as I know… has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people.” (This is the same statement often misattributed to P. T. Barnum.)

Our Founding Fathers never explicitly forbade felons from being elected to a Federal office. They figured people would be smart enough not to vote for someone with a criminal record such as DJT’s. Someone who actively encouraged a violent attempt at overthrowing our government. Actually, what DJT did came dangerously close to treason. It definitely crossed far over the line of what’s considered acceptable conduct by a president, especially one leaving office.

Apparently, here in 2024 and now 2025, they were wrong. Dare I say it, our education system has failed us. In the interest in getting voter turnout up, we have made it trivially easy for people to register to vote (see the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 a.k.a. the “Motor Voter” Act). In some states, you don’t even have to register at all. The consequence of that is a lot of people who really don’t understand the issues voting for whoever looks better on TV.

He shouldn’t be there again. But he is. And those of us who knew better and voted for Kamala Harris still have to deal with the fallout.

I’m not sure how to fix this, other than maybe:

  1. The parties doing a better job of keep candidates like DJT off the ballot to begin with; and
  2. Better education, both of future voters and current voters (specifically, going back to the way things were and requiring clear labeling of commentary versus actual news reports).

Maybe there are other things we could do. I know DJT did far worse than referring to countries with primarily darker-skinned inhabitants as “shithole countries”, but it’s something no other occupant of the office of president had done before and is definitely conduct unbecoming of the office of President of the United States. It’s something I’m sure DJT wishes we’d forget, along with the many other instances of conduct unbecoming throughout his first term.

And that’s why I’m reblogging this: I’ll do everything I can to be sure it isn’t forgotten.

Profanity and racism: an example of how not to lead

This has to stop somewhere and somehow. I know I haven’t been the most active in writing about this flimsy excuse for an administration, but this simply cannot be ignored. This post will have profanity in it, but only because I’m quoting our supposed “leader” here in the US.

Continue reading Profanity and racism: an example of how not to lead

Bughouse on a chess server: the good, the bad, and the ugly

Note: this post was originally written back in late 2015. A lot of this is of mainly historical interest; the activity level on FICS has dropped off precipitously in the intervening time period of about six years. However, I still feel the story needs to be told, as something like this could happen to other game communities elsewhere.

Despite being a fairly avid chess player, I have not written anything chess-related on this blog until now. Maybe it just seemed like most of it would not make a good topic, but I think I have finally found something that does.

I had an interest in chess ever since someone in my family bought the Video Chess cartridge for our Atari 2600 way back in the day. I finally got to where I could beat it a few times on the easier difficulties, and later progressed to Sargon II on my Atari 1200XL. I played in exactly one scholastic tournament where I’d come in third, during my very brief time as a school chess club member in middle school (I would later transfer to a different school which unfortunately did not have a chess club; the high school I would wind up in also did not have a chess club, though by that point the “no pass no play” rule would have kept me out of it anyway.)

I kind of put chess on the shelf for a while until I got my first Internet access. And so, in the early morning hours of 1996 July 1, I began what would later become a somewhat intermittent love affair with chess on the Internet by signing up for an account at the Free Internet Chess Server (FICS), which today is at but at the time was using the hostname (which no longer resolves).

Over the years off and on I’ve played mainly longer games, of an estimated time of 15 minutes or more, called “standard” under FICS’s rating system. Nevertheless I have played some faster games, including something called bughouse. “Bughouse” is an old slang term for a mental hospital; bughouse, the game played with chess pieces, got its name from the chaos which ensued over both boards with pieces being swapped back and forth. (It’s also known as Siamese chess, tandem chess, and some other names.)

Yes, I did say both boards. Bughouse is a team game, with one player on each team playing as white and one as black. Captured pieces go to a partner who can drop them on any vacant square in lieu of a move, with the exception pawns cannot be dropped on the first or last rank. The object is to either win on time, or by checkmating the opponent’s king. One checkmate or one fallen flag decides the game for both boards. Typical bughouse time controls were “5 0” (five minutes, no increment) in the early days. Over the years, they have been reduced to “2 0” (two minutes, no increment).

That’s two minutes. For each player. To play the entire game.

Suddenly the moniker of “bughouse” starts to look damned accurate.

If that was everything, if bughouse were just two chess games joined into one making something completely different, with players respecting the same decorum appropriate for a chess server, there wouldn’t be an issue. If only that were the case in reality. Abuse of all kinds is a problem on many chess servers; on FICS, bughouse players account for a disproportionate amount of it (both my personal observations and what I have heard talking to admins). Here is a somewhat abridged version of the “help abuse” file on FICS, with an emphasis on rules bughouse players have been known to violate at various points in the past:

The purpose of FICS is to provide a free, friendly, family orientated means for chess enthusiasts to play chess and discuss topics of interest. When abusive actions occur, FICS administrators have the authority to take steps to stop these actions from occurring. […] Examples of abuse include, but are not limited to:

1. Harassment of users including harassment related to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc and discussion which promotes such intolerances.

2. Harassing, threatening or abusing a staff member (administrator, SR, CA, TM or someone who has been asked to act on their behalf) in the course of their duties.

3. Obscene communications – all public communications should be appropriate if viewed by our youngest members (some as young as 8 years old).

4. Profanity.


6. Making public accusations against other players (including in finger or formula notes) including but not limited to accusations of abuse or accusations of cheating.

7. Connecting to the server as a guest to get around censors or noplays directed to your playing account by another player.

8. Using blindfold, team or other accounts including unregistered handles to evade server sanctions that may have been imposed on you.


11. Distributing, buying, selling, handling, or attempting to gain the personal information of another person (including real name, email address, password etc) without permission, or any server related file or screen information which is not available to all registered users by legal server means, or any server document or correspondence not intended for general viewing. Attempting to obtain such information by deceit.


15. Throwing games or knowingly allow another user to throw games to you, or agreeing results in advance, or aborting on purpose by disconnection to avoid rating changes.


19. Tampering with timeseal or interface code to facilitate cheating, or development of such cheating facilities including distributing the (amended) code.


22. Creating unauthorized duplicate accounts or helping others create them.

23. Inciting, encouraging or helping other users to commit acts of abuse

That’s quite the laundry list, even omitting some of the rules (I included 12 out of the 23, so a nominal majority). The full file is available from the FICS website and is the de facto “terms of service” for the server.

For a majority of the time FICS has been online, the official bughouse channel for forming partnerships and getting games going was channel 24. Sometime in the past few years (perhaps 2012 or so?), channel 24 was quietly removed from the official channel list, as profanity, obscenity, the occasional cheating accusations, and other types of indecorum became the norm as opposed to the exception. That doesn’t mean channel 24 is no longer used for bughouse chat, just that it’s no longer officially mentioned in either the server output or the “help channel_list” file.

In a real life chess club, there’s a sense of decorum. The same would be said, for the most part, on FICS as well. The chess players, with the possible exception of those who specialize in “lightning” games (time controls with an estimated time per side of lower than 3 minutes, usually “1 0” and “2 0″ on the modern day FICS), do a reasonable job of maintaining decorum. The bughouse players, on the other hand… I’ll just say that before I actually started regularly reporting the more flagrant cases of abuse (mainly profanity, cheating accusations, and chat which indicated someone has multiple/”dupe” accounts), channel 24 was often a zoo. The only times it wasn’t a zoo, was during the hours it would be completely or nearly dead. Even then I think some players simply don’t know the rules, so I have taken to reminders like this one:

[23:28:11] QBall(24): Reminder: Examples of abuse include, but are not limited to: … 4. Profanity. … 6. Making public accusations against other players (including in finger or formula notes) including but not limited to accusations of abuse or accusations of cheating.

The reactions to my reminders? Let’s just say that they illustrate the somewhat sarcastic maxim “no good deed goes unpunished.” The bughouse players don’t give a damn, and at least one of them apparently can’t type a complete sentence without a swear word in it to save his/her life. (Note: by default, FICS replaces known profanity/obscenity with the characters “#$%&” in order, repeated. The default “tolerance” setting is 1, on a scale of 0 to 5 where 0 will even censor “damn” and “hell” and 5 is completely uncensored letting you see all chat, no matter how profane/obscene, in all its uncensored “glory.” Partly so I may report the most flagrant violations, and partly because I feel like I just don’t need it, I have mine set to 5.)

Granted, there was a long time (up until at least 2002 or so) where admins did try to keep a check on the bughouse/channel 24 crowd, but eventually it would appear it was determined letting the lesser indecorums slide was worth the decrease in workload.

Perhaps the most flagrant example of abuse came in 2002. A user who went by the handle of Seipman was banned from FICS either permanently or indefinitely on or about 2002 January 26.

Before I get into the rest of the story, a bit of an aside here. Seipman had revealed himself to me as a jerk some time before this. I don’t have logs, but I recall an incident where I was his partner in a bughouse game and he was upset about the way I played. We had a won game and he threatened to resign if I didn’t answer his criticism about my moves within 10 seconds. He also threw a game at some point in the same session, assumably to show me how bad I was playing (which taught me nothing, lowered my rating even further, and possibly even opened me up to sanctions as well). Anyway, after the game where he threatened to resign a won game, I unpartnered him and swore never to play either against him or partner him again. (This was, I think, sometime in 2001.) It was no big surprise to me that he was banned from FICS.

Anyway, after Seipman was banned, he created an unauthorized duplicate account Daysleeper. As Daysleeper, Seipman played the role of a model user. He was added to the tournament manager list, then the service representative list, and then finally and most unfortunately, he was made an admin. That lasted until 2002 September 6, a mere seven months and change since Seipman’s last login under his original handle. The exact reason Daysleeper’s admin status was terminated isn’t stated, however it can be assumed he was found to, at minimum, be an unauthorized duplicate account.

During that time, Seipman (as Daysleeper) copied a bunch of notes files of various users. This wasn’t known until early 2005, when Seipman logged back on to FICS as a guest, and tried to blackmail his way back on to the server. Needless to say, this didn’t work at all (in fact, Seipman probably threw away any hope of having his original ban overturned), and after word got out the admins decided to have a “town meeting” to discuss what had happened. The chat log from that meeting on 2005 May 2 is still available and contains a lot of informations for the terminally curious.

Thankfully, that kind of egregious abuse has only happened once. It would be one thing if Seipman were the only such abuser in the bughouse community. However it was at one time very common to hear of a player getting banned and coming back as a dupe, or even for someone to openly ask in channel 24 “whose dupe is xxxx?” (Yes, when I see these, I report them; they are evidence that someone has a duplicate account they are not supposed to have.)

Today, it’s almost impossible to go through a week’s worth of hanging out on FICS without having someone drop some kind of swear word, or otherwise say something not allowed by the rules. In fact, on the day I first wrote this post, someone re-published their private tell, along the lines of: “partner (another player) and throw 200 points pls, ty gg” (sic). This falls afoul of at least one rule (either harassment or inciting others to throw games, depending on the exact context, which at the time I did not dive deeper into).

Particularly frustrating to me is seeing titled chess players (FM, IM, GM) come on FICS to play bughouse, and do nothing to assert a leadership role to discourage the indecorum (since apparently the admins/SRs refuse to do so). Honestly, I would expect better from people who have, in most cases, devoted the majority of their lives to chess.

I do appreciate what the admins do to keep FICS running; I would not continue to play there if I didn’t. That FICS has lasted as long as it has, in an era where web-based chess servers are rapidly becoming the norm, is a testament that the administration is getting at least some of it right. However, I would like to see the trend of indecorum in bughouse turned around. I believe that with the appropriate leadership, bughouse players are capable of respecting the same decorum as chess players on a chess server. My understanding is that abuse is abuse, regardless of whether it happens in shouts, channel 1, channel 50, channel 24, channel 10, private tells, or otherwise. Hiding channel 24 by simply omitting it from the official channel lists will not solve the issue long term (in fact, it is an acknowledgement of how bad the problem is, and does absolutely zero to fix it). In a real life chess club, the club’s leadership would crack down quickly on indecorum from a few bughouse players. Is there a reason why FICS admins can’t do the same?